References and testimonials
Testimonials build trust. Therefore we present here a small selection of companies for which we have already successfully developed and produced:

Thyssen Krupp System-Engineering
Thyssen Krupp System Engineering is a one-stop shop for all the essential components in the PROCESS CHAIN for CAR BODY and POWERTRAIN ASSEMBLY including related CHECKING and TEST SYSTEMS for the automobile and supplier industry.

FES - Fahrzeug Entwicklung Sachsen
Development of individual mobility of the future in the areas of concept and overall vehicle development, body development and wiring, chassis development, prototyping, test and technical documentation.

Aesica Pharma
Aesica is an international company in the pharamceutical industry.

The West Saxon living and building cooperative eG Zwickau was founded in 1954 and has about 5480 homes. Most of them have been extensively renovated.

Moll Batteries
Being a specialist, MOLL has influenced battery technology decisively with innovations and for decades, they has been a substantial supplier to the German automotive industry and vehicle producers. On the aftermarket, MOLL batteries are delivered to specialist suppliers, large-scale consumers, and to the industry. MOLL is producing exclusively at the location Bad Staffelstein, Upper Franconia/Germany. It is also granting world-wide licences and sells battery components.